<aside> ☝🏻 基本情報



時間:火曜 13:00-14:30





<aside> 💡 履修者用のページ



🔔 連絡事項

<aside> 💡 履修者以外も含めたお知らせをここに記載します。

📜 Overview (授業概要・授業目的)

🔵 Basic Statistics with R Computation

    This class introduces basic statistics using R computing. The basis of statistics is essential in any science, including sociology. To better understand statistics, it is necessary to observe the behavior of the data through demonstrations. The statistical open-source software R is widely used because of its flexibility for data analysis. This class aims to understand both the basic theories of statistics and the actual analytical methods using them.

🔵 Method

🔵 Aim of this class

After completing this course, participants are expected to be able to:

  1. understand the basic statistics theories that are widely employed in sociological research
  2. analyze empirical data for their research question with R.

🗝 Requirements (履修要件)